Tipping- Culture Woes
I sit at the airport awaiting my flight, I watch the different individuals load
onto their flights- the different classes, cultures and colours. I find
airports very interesting as the class system is explicit in this environment.
Physically separating the financially wealthy from the rest of the population,
yet forcing the remainder of the travellers for that flight to walk through the
area where they do not belong, viewing all that ‘these people’ have to keep
them comfortable and entertained for their flight, whilst the remainder of us
squish like sardines into our place- stumbling on each others toes, and hitting
each other (usually unintentionally) with bags and luggage. As usually one of
the last to board, I sit back and observe my surroundings. There are many
people being escorted around in wheelchairs, as they are unable or find it
difficult to walk to their flight. I notice that the people pushing the
wheelchairs are all coloured- that I saw anyway- with all but one person
receiving assistance being white.
can’t help but feel uncomfortable in observing one face of a traveller in
particular. The face is of a larger white man, being pushed in a wheel chair by
a coloured lady. I’m left feeling extremely uncomfortable. It wasn’t just the
race issue, nor the feminist within, but instead was something about the face
of the man that plagued my mind… It was the image of his smug and satisfied face. I may have completely
taken the image out of context. Maybe
he was pleased to be out of the house. Maybe
he was pleased to be travelling. Maybe
he had just had a lovely holiday. All of these probable, all of these I do not
know. But what I do know is this image made me feel uncomfortable and awkward,
and led me to question the underlying issues and legitimacy of the tipping
culture, and its relationship with the class system dominant in the U.S.
reminded of the Hilary/Barack Democrat election, which was weighed down by
debate surrounding what America was more ready for- A black man or a white female
as their leader- questioning where the two sit on the cultural hierarchy. And
the people have spoken, implying the coloured woman is at the bottom of that
hierarchy. The airport image of not only a woman but a coloured woman pushing the
man, and also many people of minorities working in face to face services, makes
me question a; the link between race and tipping/services provided, and the cohort of employees, and b; the truth behind
the tipping and financial gratuity.
and Gratuity
West recently stated we no longer live in a racist system, but instead a
classist system. However, I
consider the two to be interchangeable as the class system has historically
been divided according to the colour of ones skin, and location in the world of
ones’ ancestors. As I watch Australia’s population of refugees from around the
globe increase, it is sad to see that many of the lower paid roles are performed
by those of minorities- wedging further the cultural divide. When I visited the
US prior to this stay I noted all of the lower paid positions were undertaken
by either African Americans (with historic links to slavery) or Hispanics. I
found this colour-highlighted representation of the class system to be
disturbing, and gave me a sense of unease. I hoped that my country would not
become this heavily divided. However, I have noted that we are not far off,
with Indian, Asian and Afghani migrants becoming Australia’s new underclass- our
indigenous Australians sprinkled throughout the cities in various roles and
systems. In the similar roles that our migrants undertake due to financial
pressure, the U.S has the same situation- however they have a much lower base
rate and thus rely heavily on tipping and gratuity payments. The dominance of
minimum wage in these fields of employment suggests that such individuals are
forced to perpetually present a happy front in order to maximise their
payments- somewhat invoking the ‘black face’ comedians/actors of the past, and
certainly highlighting strong remnants of the white slave owner and black slave
image. With lacking opportunity
and wealth in the migrant communities, such roles perpetuate cycles of
underpayment in exchange for both physically and emotionally draining employment.
The Hot Tip
culture of tipping (to me) appears as an ideology which seems “good in theory,
bad in practice”. The entire premise that financial rewards should be promoting
good behaviour (comparative to Skinnerian philosophy) is not necessarily a bad
thing, however in conjunction with low wages, this creates the basic model of
behaviour as standard- instead of raising the bar for good behaviour based on
common decency, morality, and a standard of care for your fellow woman/man. The model of fiscal exchange here, from
a socialist’s eye, highlights entrenched roots in slavery, and the relationship
between peoples and reasoning behind some forms of interaction.
seems to be gratifications reached by individuals having another human lavishly
feign interest in concerns for their issue/ailment/welfare. This compares on a
level to the basic ideological foundation for “prostitution”. The basis of “prostitution” (in the
sexual sense) is the exchange of sex work for monetary return. However, along
with the act of sex work comes a feigned intimacy, a listening of woes, a
pretend interest in the sexual acts the client requests- a false imagery of an
interaction, in exchange for fiscal compensation. I am extremely pro sex work, and sex workers, yet I get
confused as how individuals can utilise these services without questioning the
fake interaction, and be satisfied with these interactions.
Sandel references Kantian theory in his book titled Justice, a
discussion surrounding morality, philosophy and what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’.
Sandel makes the observation individuals cannot lie profusely, as this
diminishes the validity of statements, rendering the art of conversation
worthless. He asserts that if we perpetually lied nobody would listen, as our
words would not mean anything.
This implies we must only lie sporadically to maintain the worth of our
dialogue. In regards to tipping and professional services, when we receive a
smile and a perceived “care” in professional services, does this not make us
question the genuineness of this? In applying the lying theory to tipping, when
financial gratuity is regular and required, does this not mean that all are feigning care consistently,
thereby minimising the worth of such “nice” acts?
may argue that all professions are simply this- feigned interest for
reimbursement. However, I would argue that this is necessarily not the case.
During my employment with incarcerated at-risk youth, my fiscal payment was
simply in return for my maintaining the safety and security of staff and
clients, assisting in the daily activities and continued support of the clients
and standards of welfare. However, I did care for my clients, in a professional
manner, on the basis of Kantian theory that all humans are equal and thereby
equally deserving of respect. Not only did I uphold the standards of my paid
purposes, but, I extended to offer real and legitimate care where necessary. It
is these inconsistencies at times of emotions that make us human. If I
presented the same level of care for each issue the client faced (a family
member’s death, a drug or health issue, a headache, a sore limb) then the
client would be unable to understand which interest was true and which was
feigned. It is the ups and downs attributed to differing circumstances which
present real and true interactions
and human connections- which some may say is all we spend our day trying to
achieve, other than survival.
I were tipped every time I presented a behaviour over and above the required
response in my role with the youth, then this would inevitably present some
feigned responses. Inevitably. In bringing this back to Sandel’s discussion
surrounding lying and validity of the spoken word, I suggest this renders the
extended arm of care- pertained to be deserving of higher gratuity- null and
void, cancelling each other out as the dangled carrot of financial benefit
removes the validity of truth in the interaction, thereby creating a persistent
Pay- With Benefits
may say that in my field I am reimbursed financially for those items listed on
my position description, and those which I go over and above in doing is my
choice, for the reimbursement of an emotional benefit. This argument carries
some weight. However when entering this payment domain, the contract is
unspoken, and the reward will vary per personality, interaction and client-
based on extraneous variables at play with both parties. However as a person
who is on a perpetual chase for truth and honesty in this crazy world, I know
which rewarding interaction I would prefer to partake in. Yet I am a white
Australian female who has been blessed by being born into a middle class family
who considered education their number one priority, and had the finances to put
their money where their priorities were. Their ancestors were from England,
Ireland and Scotland- Instead of Sudan, Iraq, or Vietnam. So I haven’t ever had
to undertake roles as a cleaner, food server or taxi driver. I choose to be employed in dangerous but
intriguing and rewarding (on many levels) roles.
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